A generator is a smart home purchase in Dandridge, TN. They provide electricity when the power is out and are a great form of protection in case of storms or other natural disasters. Here are some things you should consider when purchasing a new generator for your home.
Determine Sizing
When buying a generator, it’s important to determine how much wattage is appropriate for powering your home. While you could add up how much energy each item in your home uses, a simple online calculator is likely to give you a decent estimate. Pay attention to surge wattage as well; this is generally three times the amount of power you’ll need to run everything in your home, including your HVAC system.
Choose the Smallest Possible
When purchasing a generator, it’s tempting to go straight for a larger model than you need, but try to resist the urge. By buying only what you need, less fuel needs storing. Another way to pick a generator is to shop based on how often it’s likely to be in use.
Frequent Outages
If your home experiences frequent electrical outages due to severe weather, a home standby or large inverter generator are your best options. These will provide you with enough juice to power your home until electricity is restored.
Occasional or Rare Outages
If outages are less frequent but you still want peace of mind, a portable or smaller inverter generator are wise investments to make. As long as you don’t mind the loss of convenience, these models are great in case of emergency.
Figure a generator is a good investment for your Dandridge home? As a full-service HVAC provider, we do everything from heating and AC installation and repair to indoor air quality services. Give us a call at LB Chase Mechanical and ask us about our electrical services, including our range of whole-home generators.
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